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Monday, July 8, 2013

(Belated) Bible Verse Sunday #32 & Breakthon Prep

Yesterday's verse was Psalm 19:10, coming out of the longest book in the Bible:

"More to be desired are they than gold, eve much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb."

The ESV Study Bible has this to say about the verse:

"The fundamental attitude here is one of delight: God's instructions are more desirable than the best riches (cf. 119:127; Prov. 8:19) and more pleasurable than the finest tastes (cf. Prov. 24:13-14)."

Yesterday's sermon in the main service was the first in a new series on the virtues, beginning with a basic introduction to the virtues. I believe that we'll be learning about love next week. In the High School service, the speaker who took the regular pastor's place taught from the book of Thessalonians, covering something that I had touched on in my own sermon, about the authenticity of faith.

After church, my dear old dad and I (after a quick stop at the Berliner Pub for lunch) went to my takewondo school to help prepare for this fundraiser that we do at the Renton River Days festival called "the Breakathon." At the breakathon, we raise money for Community in Schools of Renton by getting sponsors for the boards we break. I will be breaking twenty boards this year, and I have so far raised a lot of money. Anyhow, at the Breakathon Prep we cut up boards, put stickers or stamps on them, stacked them, and bound them up with cord and shrink wrap, before lugging them via pallet jack back inside of the dojang. We did all of this in the dojang's parking lot. I helped carry boards from inside the dojang to the parking lot, bind board stacks up, and put stickers on the boards. I was kind of bummed that we missed the annual car show for it, but I'm glad to have been a help. We also got water and ice cream to go with it, so that was a plus. Then we went home and had dinner. After dinner, we watched an episode of Once Upon A Time, which I am slowly getting more and more annoyed with, and then we finished watching Sherlock Holmes. I will be reviewing the latter soon, but I'm not sure if I even want to finished the former.

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