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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"I Have a Dream" Speech - 50th Anniversary

I wasn't going to write another post until tomorrow, but I just went over to Google and saw that today is the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous "I have a dream" speech. That's right, fifty years! I'm not an expert on the Civil Rights movement, but from what I understand, the "I have a dream" speech was the turning point in the Civil Rights battle. In it, King discoursed at length on what I presume was his favorite topic; the right of people of all races to freedom, as well as calling for a general halt to racism.

King's legacy will doubtlessly be remembered forever. He was indeed a great man. Here are two links to some important videos regarding King and his views. The first is a link to a recording of the famous "I have a dream" speech. The second is a dramatic reading of King's Letter from Birmingham Jail, which my history teacher Kirby Wilbur said is a good summation of his worldview and philosophy. I greatly respect Martin Luther King, Jr., and hope to find a good biography on him someday. He was a truly great man.

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