"For, because you trusted in your works and your treasures, you also shall be taken; and Chemosh shall go into exile with his priests and his officials."
In this passage, the prophet Jeremiah is preaching against Moab, detailing how their greed and vanity has led to their disgrace. Chemosh was the principal deity of the Moabites, whose paganism involved human sacrifice to their god. These abominations are clearly stated to be the reason for the Moabites' downfall, and Israel's as well for sharing in this travesty. We contemporary readers would do well to take note.
In the main service in church today, the pastor preached from the back half of Romans 8, talking about how God takes us in our brokenness and transforms us into something better. God removes from us the frustration, the disgrace, the isolation. There will be no "awkward moment" when we stand before God's throne, because we have been transformed.
In the High School service, the youth pastor preached from John 15, talking about how we should "marinate" ourselves in Jesus, by absorbing his word daily and living out his commandments. He said that although it is possible to "fake" being a Christian, true believers are secure in Christ, and also that God commands us to love each other. The central point of the sermon is that life is lived fullest when lived with those we love.
Today is a momentous occasion. It is not only the seventy-fifth installment of Bible Verse Sunday, but it is also the 37th anniversary of the release of the original Star Wars film in theaters, way back in 1977. That particular occasion is why this day was chosen to be Geek Pride Day, a celebration of geek culture the world over. On this day, we shall eat, drink, and be merry, though not necessarily in that order.
This weekend, however, marks an even more important occasion: Memorial Day. Tomorrow, there shall be a nationwide celebration of all those who have fought and died in service to our wonderful country. In accordance, I hereby extend my heartfelt salutations and commendations to all persons who fall into this demographic. In sum, have a blessed Memorial Day!
Image courtesy of sliceofscifi.com
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